Ruling - Lakuntzako Herri Eskola - Ikasnova
Ruling - Lakuntzako Herri Eskola
General Assembly is the main body. It meets at least once per schoolyear and there, they renew the roles and the approve the economy.
Lakuntzako Herri Eskola's Parent Council is part of SORTZEN and HERRIKOA families federations. Both work for Public School and advise us on legislation, training, organization of activities, when necessary.
The Board is made up of the Presidency, Secretary, Econom and General Members.
Every year half of the Board is renewed, that is, three people join and another three leave. In this way, each person remains there for two years.
It is a group open to any parent of students at the school, who are invited to take part and are very grateful for all their volunteer work.